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package mdb
Copyright (c) 2022, John David Lee
All rights reserved.
This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import (
type MapIndex[K comparable, T any] struct {
c *Collection[T]
_name string
keyLock keyedmutex.KeyedMutex[K]
mapLock sync.Mutex
m map[K]*T
getID func(*T) uint64
getKey func(*T) K
include func(*T) bool
func NewMapIndex[K comparable, T any](
c *Collection[T],
name string,
getKey func(*T) K,
include func(*T) bool,
) *MapIndex[K, T] {
m := &MapIndex[K, T]{
c: c,
_name: name,
keyLock: keyedmutex.New[K](),
m: map[K]*T{},
getID: c.getID,
getKey: getKey,
include: include,
c.indices = append(c.indices, m)
c.uniqueIndices = append(c.uniqueIndices, m)
return m
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (m *MapIndex[K, T]) load(src map[uint64]*T) error {
for _, item := range src {
if m.include != nil && !m.include(item) {
k := m.getKey(item)
if _, ok := m.m[k]; ok {
return ErrDuplicate
m.m[k] = item
return nil
func (m *MapIndex[K, T]) Get(k K) (t T, ok bool) {
if item, ok := m.mapGet(k); ok {
return *item, true
return t, false
func (m *MapIndex[K, T]) Update(k K, update func(T) (T, error)) error {
wrapped := func(item T) (T, error) {
new, err := update(item)
if err != nil {
return item, err
return new, nil
if item, ok := m.mapGet(k); ok {
return m.c.Update(m.getID(item), wrapped)
return ErrNotFound
func (m *MapIndex[K, T]) Delete(k K) {
if item, ok := m.mapGet(k); ok {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (m *MapIndex[K, T]) insert(item *T) {
if m.include == nil || m.include(item) {
m.mapSet(m.getKey(item), item)
func (m *MapIndex[K, T]) update(old, new *T) {
if m.include == nil || m.include(old) {
if m.include == nil || m.include(new) {
m.mapSet(m.getKey(new), new)
func (m *MapIndex[K, T]) delete(item *T) {
if m.include == nil || m.include(item) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (idx *MapIndex[K, T]) name() string {
return idx._name
func (idx *MapIndex[K, T]) lock(item *T) {
if idx.include == nil || idx.include(item) {
func (idx *MapIndex[K, T]) unlock(item *T) {
if idx.include == nil || idx.include(item) {
// Should hold item lock when calling.
func (idx *MapIndex[K, T]) insertConflict(new *T) bool {
if idx.include != nil && !idx.include(new) {
return false
_, ok := idx.Get(idx.getKey(new))
return ok
// Should hold item lock when calling.
func (idx *MapIndex[K, T]) updateConflict(new *T) bool {
if idx.include != nil && !idx.include(new) {
return false
cur, ok := idx.mapGet(idx.getKey(new))
return ok && idx.getID(cur) != idx.getID(new)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (idx *MapIndex[K, T]) mapSet(k K, t *T) {
idx.m[k] = t
func (idx *MapIndex[K, T]) mapDelete(k K) {
delete(idx.m, k)
func (idx *MapIndex[K, T]) mapGet(k K) (*T, bool) {
t, ok := idx.m[k]
return t, ok