package kvmemcache import ( "container/list" "sync" "time" "" ) type Cache[K comparable, V any] struct { updateLock keyedmutex.KeyedMutex[K] src func(K) (V, error) ttl time.Duration maxSize int // Lock protects variables below. lock sync.Mutex cache map[K]*list.Element ll *list.List stats Stats } type lruItem[K comparable, V any] struct { key K createdAt time.Time value V err error } type Config[K comparable, V any] struct { MaxSize int TTL time.Duration // Zero to ignore. Src func(K) (V, error) } func New[K comparable, V any](conf Config[K, V]) *Cache[K, V] { return &Cache[K, V]{ updateLock: keyedmutex.New[K](), src: conf.Src, ttl: conf.TTL, maxSize: conf.MaxSize, lock: sync.Mutex{}, cache: make(map[K]*list.Element, conf.MaxSize+1), ll: list.New(), } } func (c *Cache[K, V]) Get(key K) (V, error) { ok, val, err := c.get(key) if ok { return val, err } return c.load(key) } func (c *Cache[K, V]) Evict(key K) { c.lock.Lock() defer c.lock.Unlock() c.evict(key) } func (c *Cache[K, V]) Stats() Stats { c.lock.Lock() defer c.lock.Unlock() return c.stats } func (c *Cache[K, V]) put(key K, value V, err error) { c.lock.Lock() defer c.lock.Unlock() c.stats.Misses++ c.cache[key] = c.ll.PushFront(lruItem[K, V]{ key: key, createdAt: time.Now(), value: value, err: err, }) if c.maxSize != 0 && len(c.cache) > c.maxSize { li := c.ll.Back() c.ll.Remove(li) delete(c.cache, li.Value.(lruItem[K, V]).key) } } func (c *Cache[K, V]) evict(key K) { elem := c.cache[key] if elem != nil { delete(c.cache, key) c.ll.Remove(elem) } } func (c *Cache[K, V]) get(key K) (ok bool, val V, err error) { c.lock.Lock() defer c.lock.Unlock() li := c.cache[key] if li == nil { return false, val, nil } item := li.Value.(lruItem[K, V]) // Maybe evict. if c.ttl != 0 && time.Since(item.createdAt) > c.ttl { c.evict(key) return false, val, nil } c.stats.Hits++ c.ll.MoveToFront(li) return true, item.value, item.err } func (c *Cache[K, V]) load(key K) (V, error) { c.updateLock.Lock(key) defer c.updateLock.Unlock(key) // Check again in case we lost the update race. ok, val, err := c.get(key) if ok { return val, err } // Won the update race. val, err = c.src(key) c.put(key, val, err) return val, err }