WIP: peak finding

J. David Lee 2019-12-08 20:07:15 +01:00
parent 90fbc089f4
commit 72af0bdd82
2 changed files with 64 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -2,8 +2,11 @@ package extractfreq
import "math"
// A-weight filter is supposed to correspond to how a human would perceive
// loudness.
func AWeight(f float64) float64 {
return (148693636.0 * f * f * f * f) / ((424.36 + f*f) * math.Sqrt(
(f*f+11599.29)*(f*f+544496.41)) *
(f*f + 148693636.0))
return (148693636.0 * f * f * f * f) /
((424.36 + f*f) *
math.Sqrt((f*f+11599.29)*(f*f+544496.41)) *
(f*f + 148693636.0))

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@ -16,9 +16,12 @@ import (
// Steps:
// * Create amplitude spectrum (abs of FFT).
// * Create amplitude spectrum (abs of real FFT).
// * Multiply by A-weight curve
// * Take log10 of result
// * Find peaks
// * Sort peaks by amplitude
// * Use strongest peak to estimate fFundamental?
// *
func PlotFFT(path string, nSamples int, fFundamental float64) {
L, R, err := flac.Load(path)
if err != nil {
@ -34,98 +37,96 @@ func PlotFFT(path string, nSamples int, fFundamental float64) {
data[i] = float64(L[i]) + float64(R[i])
// Make initial fft.
fft := fourier.NewFFT(nSamples)
cCoeffs := fft.Coefficients(nil, data)
amps := make([]float64, len(cCoeffs))
freqs := make([]float64, len(cCoeffs))
for i := range freqs {
freqs[i] = fft.Freq(i) * 48000
if freqs[i] < 20 {
amps[i] = 0
} else {
amps[i] = math.Log10(cmplx.Abs(cCoeffs[i]) * AWeight(freqs[i]))
amps[i] = cmplx.Abs(cCoeffs[i])
// Normalize coefficients.
//for i := range amps {
//amps[i] /= ampMax
// Trim to frequencies of interest.
deltaF := freqs[1] - freqs[0]
idx0 := int(20 / deltaF)
idx1 := int(16000 / deltaF)
freqs = freqs[idx0:idx1]
amps = amps[idx0:idx1]
// Find highest N peaks and sort by size.
// Multiply by A-weight function.
for i := range amps {
amps[i] *= AWeight(freqs[i])
// Use a moving window to search for local peaks.
hws := []*HarmonicWindow{}
// Bypass low-frequency samples.
i := 0
for i < len(freqs) && freqs[i] < 24 {
iCenter := i
for iC{
// Find frequency window around midi note.
// Find peaks.
dFreq := freqs[1] - freqs[0]
halfWinSize := int(math.Round((fFundamental / dFreq) / 3))
peakInds, peakAmps := getPeaks(halfWinSize, amps)
peakInds, peakAmps = sortPeaks(peakInds, peakAmps)
p, err := plot.New()
if err != nil {
fMin := float64(20)
fMax := float64(16000)
log.Printf("Making points...")
pts := make(plotter.XYs, 0, len(amps))
for i := range amps {
if freqs[i] < 20 || freqs[i] > 16000 {
if freqs[i] > fMin && freqs[i] < fMax {
pts = append(pts, plotter.XY{
X: freqs[i],
Y: amps[i],
pts2 := make(plotter.XYs, 0, len(amps))
for i := range peakInds {
if freqs[peakInds[i]] > fMin && freqs[peakInds[i]] < fMax {
pts2 = append(pts2, plotter.XY{
X: freqs[peakInds[i]],
Y: peakAmps[i],
pts = append(pts, plotter.XY{
X: freqs[i],
Y: amps[i],
if err = plotutil.AddLinePoints(p, "fft", pts); err != nil {
if err = plotutil.AddScatters(p, "fft", pts, "max", pts2); err != nil {
//p.Y.Scale = plot.LogScale{}
p.X.Scale = plot.LogScale{}
if err := p.Save(16*vg.Inch, 8*vg.Inch, "fft.png"); err != nil {
harmonics := []float64{0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
hws := []*HarmonicWindow{}
for _, harmonic := range harmonics {
for i, idx := range peakInds {
//amp := peakAmps[i]
hw := NewHarmonicWindow(
// Make window.
ampsWin := amps[idx-halfWinSize : idx+halfWinSize]
freqWin := freqs[idx-halfWinSize : idx+halfWinSize]
log.Printf("Making points...")
pts := make(plotter.XYs, 0, 2*halfWinSize)
for i := range ampsWin {
pts = append(pts, plotter.XY{
X: freqWin[i],
Y: ampsWin[i],
p, err := plot.New()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Making points...")
pts := make(plotter.XYs, 0, len(hw.Amps))
for i := range hw.Amps {
pts = append(pts, plotter.XY{
X: hw.Freqs[i],
Y: hw.Amps[i],
if err = plotutil.AddLines(p, "fft", pts); err != nil {
@ -134,31 +135,9 @@ func PlotFFT(path string, nSamples int, fFundamental float64) {
//p.X.Scale = plot.LogScale{}
filename := fmt.Sprintf("plot-%03.2f.png", harmonic)
filename := fmt.Sprintf("plot-%03d.png", i)
if err := p.Save(8*vg.Inch, 8*vg.Inch, filename); err != nil {
hws = append(hws, hw)
pts = make(plotter.XYs, len(hws))
for i, hw := range hws[:11] {
pts[i].X = hw.Harmonic
pts[i].Y = hw.FreqPeakInterp
p, err = plot.New()
if err != nil {
if err = plotutil.AddScatters(p, "", pts); err != nil {
if err := p.Save(8*vg.Inch, 8*vg.Inch, "harmonics.png"); err != nil {